Specialist Fleet Services Ltd has been awarded a place on the National Procurement Service (NPS) All Wales Framework Agreement to provide vehicle contract hire to the Welsh Public Sector.
The framework agreement is available for use across Wales by any public sector body including local authorities, higher & further education bodies, police & emergency services, NHS, Welsh Government, Housing Associations and sponsored bodies such as the Arts Council for Wales. The role of the NPS is to collaborate with public organisations and use collective buying power to get a good deal for Wales. The procurement frameworks always comply with Welsh legislation and policy, and the NPS prides itself on being easy to work with, business-like and fair.
SFS has been delivering contract hire, fleet and workshop management solutions to the public and private sector since 1992. With a network of workshops and its own municipal vehicle hire division (CTS Hire), SFS can provide the full range of vehicle and plant solutions from short-term vehicle hire to meeting the most complex fleet requirements.
Bob Sweetland, Managing Director, SFS:
“We are delighted to be part of the NPS framework and hope this will make us more readily accessible to our customer base in Wales. Our aims are very much in line with the NPS and we always strive to deliver cost efficiencies, add value and enhance front line services.”
For more information about Specialist Fleet Services tel: 01604 234601; email [email protected];
SFS on social media: Facebook - @SpecialistFleetServices; Twitter - @SpecialistFleet